Register 25 Seats Remaining
Offered by Maryland Department of Labor, American Job Center, this is an interactive workshop for resume and job interview help. Looking for a first job, or a better job? Don't miss this free class. Registration closes the Monday before the event.
More job-seeker help is available on
If you have questions or need more information about employment resources available, please contact the American Job Center for Southern Maryland at 301-645-8712 or email them at to request an appointment.
For more library resources on this topic, please click here! For accessibility accommodations, please contact us at least 2 weeks before the event. 410-535-0291.
Come on in! Say hi, grab some books and movies, print, fax or ask a librarian for help! You can also take advantage of our:
If there is anything we can do to help you please call 410-535-0291.